Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Korbin's Dedication

We spent the weekend in SLC visiting
and having Korbin dedicated at church. Korbin of course is always a big hit!

Aunt Paula flew in from Virginia to meet our boy for the first time. We all had a great time and are thankful for her visit. Korbin had his first German lesson from his Great Aunt.

Korbin always gets to hang out with his buddy Wesley when we are in town. It's a great fun time!

Korbin was dedicated at our church on Sunday. Thanks to all our friends and family for being there and supporting us.

Korbin was very tired after the long day!


seanandnataliekowallis said...

Weird and random story... I had a dream about Korbin's dedication last night. I found a baby outside the church in a shopping cart too, and the mom came up to me after the service and said thank you to me for holding her child because her arms were so tired all the time. It was a really strange dream. I'm glad it all went well! Only 3 1/2 more months and mine will be here!